Shilajit – Ancient Secret of Wellness

As we grow, our body cells get weaker and start being deficient of different elements, and we begin to lose health and show up with aging signs.
Even if we start eating healthy foods, we are not able to absorb the vitamins from food.
It is, in fact, the essential minerals that help our body to absorb the nutrients and vitamins from the food.
Unfortunately, these minerals cannot be obtained from food alone.
However, pure Shilajit resin has a rich amount of natural minerals, micronutrients, Humic, and Fulvic acid as it is obtained from plant residues that have deep roots, formed by mountains crushing together vegetation billions of years old.
It comes out as a thick resin, formed at altitudes above 16000 feet; hand collected, a very dangerous job.
Buy 100% Pure Golden Shilajit

What makes this Golden Shilajit the best among others is that it comes to you directly from the origin.
We process Shilajit Fresh per every order in the World's Highest Himalayas, unlike others who have stock waiting on shelves for months.
This is what makes our Golden Shilajit special and truly authentic. You can be sure that our Shilajit has not been made commercially with added energy fillers, processed, or altered in laboratories in the USA, Europe, or elsewhere to achieve any specific standard taste, color, or texture for profitable gains! You get it 100% natural and organic, though it has been carefully purified and lab tested for all harmful substances in Australia and the USA's leading labs specializing in expert analysis of contamination in food, water, soil, dietary, and herbal supplements.
In order to acquire the highest quality Shilajit resin, the purification techniques used must not only remove impurities and other contaminations; they must also not change its original composition—it is mandatory to preserve its actual mineral essence! Modern technological methods often compromise the quality to produce faster!
Authentic natural shilajit making is a slow process that requires a lot of patience and time, which commercial producers don’t have! We prepare Shilajit under the strictest organic standards to preserve its original composition and organic nature.


Take about the size of grain (300 mg–500 mg) and dissolve this in lukewarm drinking water (or milk for faster results) and drink on an empty stomach 30 minutes before your breakfast! If you want to enhance the energy level, it is highly recommended to add one tea spoon of honey and one garlic clove cut into small pieces and take with Shilajit liquid!
Golden Shilajit can be used with green tea during a day without adding sugar to it.
Shilajit can also be taken with warm milk and honey one hour before you sleep!
If you so hate the taste and cannot bear it. Hide it inside your spoon of rice or any food, swallow it, and drink a glass of water on it.

The extraordinary good health of the Hunza-Gilgit-Baltistan people has led scientists to examine and investigate their lifestyle to discover the secret to their success, and so far they have a lot to go on.
According to a paper submitted to the American Medical Association Journal by Dr. Robert McCarrison, revealing their health secrets. The Hunza people are based in Gilgit Baltistan, the north of Pakistan, and they have an incredible secret. The Hunza people are believed to be the healthiest, happiest, and longest-lived group of people in the entire world.
The Hunza people also experience incredibly prolonged fertility, with some women giving birth naturally at 65 years old.

The extraordinary good health of the Hunza-Gilgit-Baltistan people has led scientists to examine and investigate their lifestyle to discover the secret to their success, and so far they have a lot to go on.
According to paper submitted to the American Medical Association Journal by Dr. Robert McCarrison, revealing their health secrets. The Hunza people are based in Gilgit Baltistan – the north of Pakistan, and they have an incredible secret. The Hunza people are believed to be the healthiest, happiest and longest-lived group of people in the entire world.
The Hunza people also experience incredibly prolonged fertility with some women giving birth naturally at sixty-five years old.

The Authentic Best Quality Shilajit preparation is a difficult job requiring a lot of hard work and patience in preparation to get the best!
Most Shilajit in the market is of low quality because, firstly, it is obtained from lower altitudes where Shilajit rock is neither that rich in minerals nor is so pure and is often contaminated by the urban developments, especially related to the effect of modern transportation and the use of chemicals and fertilizers in everyday life. In comparison, Golden Shilajit is sourced from mountains in the surrounding villages, where even today, the mode of transport is animals, and most people walk on feet for miles every day!
The Shilajit extractors are great mountain climbers who sometimes risk their lives while climbing on steep rock walls, hanging with ropes with heavy weights on their backs!
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Once purified, we must now separate the Shilajit from the water to have it in solid or semi-liquid form.
The Shilajit filtrate is a SUN-DRIED endeavor to preserve its fundamental nature. Almost 99% of Shilajit vendors boil Shilajit as it is a fast and inexpensive way to make resin from the Shilajit filtrate. Boiling greatly compromises its quality and kills the Shilajit Spirit! Constant exposure to heat is unnatural to Shilajit, which belongs to cold mountainous regions. We dry the Shilajit filtrate in the sun for 4-6 weeks till it becomes the resin. This way we are able to preserve its natural properties and retain its true essence and soul.

At Himalayan Golden Shilajit, we take great care about efficacy and quality. 99% boil the Shilajit filtrate as it takes 3-4 hours to get the resin, whereas we never boil the Shilajit filtrate; we sundry it for 3-4 weeks to get more potency and for retaining the original effect.
There is a debate over cold production and boiling. We believe that direct heating kills Shilajit effects! We give it steam in the beginning, which is not direct heating. We do this for consumption safety against bacteria. We sundry the filtered Shilajit 9 times and wait for it to become the world’s most potent and rich Shilajit resin.